National Events
National Events
NDP2020 Celebration
Celebrate with us : It’s Majulah Singapore
NDP 2020 Funpack
Dear parents of Primary 5 students,
Encourage your child to express through an artwork how Singapore will Emerge Stronger Together!
This year, the NDP Organising Committee would like to specially invite your P5 child to take part in the NDP2020 Funpack Artwork Contest. This is a great way to unlock our P5 students’ creativity and express their hopes and aspirations for Singapore. This is also a rare and unique opportunity for their artwork to be featured on this year’s Funpack!
The contest is based on the theme of Emerge Stronger Together! Our students represent the future of our country, and their artworks, along with the messages within, will inspire Singaporeans to overcome our challenges as one. More details are in the attached poster.
The contest closes at 5pm on 21 May, and the winners and their schools will be notified. We look forward to receiving your child’s creation soon. Who knows, it could end up on a NDP2020 Funpack in a few months’ time!
Please refer to following POSTER for more information about the contest.