Our Identity
Xingnan Primary School
Xingnan Primary School is a school which has stood the test of time. Established in 1932, the school has grown in many ways to-date. Committed to our mission and vision, Xingnan anchors its programmes on the school’s philosophy that every child is of worth and can learn.
School Philosophy
We believe that Every child is of worth and can learn.
School Vision
Confident Person
Self-directed Learner
Compassionate Leader
School Mission
To provide meaningful experiences that nurture minds and build character.
Our Core Values
School Crest

The school crest was designed by Miss Peng Huijun, a former pupil, in 1988. The crest was designed to link Xingnan’s past with the future.The four red petals symbolize the four official languages taught in the school. The torch is the symbol of the old school. It signifies knowledge and enlightenment. The diamond outline which resembles a mortar board kindles in the young mind the thought of tertiary education. In 2006, to reflect the change in the primary education system from an 8 year course to a 6 year course, the crest was redesigned to include 6 bands, each indicating a year of study in primary school. The phrase “Established 1932” was also included to remind all Xingnanians of our history and how far we have come.
School Song
Once a little village school it was but today a forward-looking school.
Every child is of worth and can learn in Xingnan Primary School.
We will strive to always do our best in our studies and the CCAs.
To be useful, loyal citizens and to love our Singapore.
We are proud of Xingnan Primary School and we're proud of our teachers
too. We'll hold our heads up high, for country and for school.